Restorative Healing
with Body Code
Relief from the chronic pain of the body, like back, neck, and digestive discomfort as well as chronic pain of life like financial struggle, relationship issues, disconnect from purpose in life... ALL of these examples are heavily influenced by the inner beliefs of the subconscious mind, the trapped emotional baggage, limiting and negative belief systems. This simple work finds and releases energy which resets the subconscious mind allowing the manifestation of new experiences including breaking the pain cycle in all these areas of life.
Are You Ready For...
Relief from Chronic Pain
Overcoming Fatigue
Healing Back Pain
Calming the Inflammation of Arthritis
Restful sleep
Calming Anxiety
Better Digestion
Energy & Focus
Connecting to Purpose and Passion
Financial Flow

Heal Your Pain
Release Your Trauma
Align Your Body's Systems
Optimize Your Environment to Heal
Restorative Healing
Body Code technique is very different from conventional healing and mainstream experiences! Some people have connected with modalities like Reiki or Clarvoienent treatments before which would put you on the right path for understanding what Restorative Healing with Body Code is like. Body Code taps into similar energy as those examples and the same principles but enhances the experience with a tie into Kinethetic Testing and a guided conversation with the subconscious mind. Some clients describe it like a hypnotherapy session or simply a very personalized guided meditation. It is really like nothing else so below are some questions I answer regularly about this work.
Client's Success Stories working with Sarah and Restorative Healing
So much beautiful work comes together for these powerful healing sessions! Inside each of us is a healing machine. Restorative Healing help clients connect to that healing machine and get the gears churning and coming to life. Over the last 7 years of offering this as in-person as well as distance healing, it has relieved clients from chronic pain, calmed skin conditions, stimulated digestion, erased night terrors, contributed to fertility success, even healing a horse suffering from shoulder paralysis, and reigned in a clients' six-figure financial goal! Sounds wild but it is proven more and more the power our subconscious mind has over everything in our reality. If it believes strongly in emotion, a bad day, or a limiting belief... then that is the reality we will live. This affects our relationships, our financial situations, our health, and our dreams. The work that comes together during these sessions combines all the healing tools Sarah has gathered in the last 25 years. Modalities like Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Emotion Code Healing, Kinesthetic Testing (muscle testing), Emotional Freedom Technique, Mirror Work, the magic of Ho'Oponopono, Chakra Balancing, and more.
What is a session like?
What is a session like? A session of Restorative Healing with the Body Code technique is a very relaxing experience. Clients can come into the office for in-person work or receive the work remotely over the phone or Zoom. Sessions typically run about 45-60 minutes and include time to share goals for the work or give updates from the last appointment. Afterward, clients choose to sit comfortably on a chair or lie on the table and a moment of prayer (or moment of silence) is offered and an intention is set to direct the work for the session. This usually sounds like this: “We are offering gratitude and love for the impending success we are about to have as we learn more about the symptom of migraine (or what brings the client to the session) and we will work today to release the energetic underlying causes that contribute to the need for this symptom.” Sarah will continue to talk in a calm and soft voice narrating what we are guided to for imbalances, stuck energy, trapped emotions, and other issues like limiting beliefs as she refers to charts, reference material like anatomy charts, and a computer program that helps offer guided pathways for direction. Through the session, Sarah is intuitively following clients' energy as well as using muscle testing (kinesthetic testing) to get answers to questions from the subconscious mind about what needs to get attention. Once imbalances are discovered and connected to they are released with magnet work to specific areas of the body. Clients typically feel like they are relaxed and almost asleep for sessions. This is a Theta brain wave state that happens during certain stages of sleep as well as during meditation and is the state of being where the body heals the deepest. Clients often report feeling a tingling sensation as energy imbalances are released and overall lighter or less heavy after the release. Sarah regularly offers workshops and classes that include demonstrations of this work so please check the events page to see what is coming up!
Wondering what this work is like?
Here is a recorded Restorative Healing Session for Financial Flow
How do I prepare for a session?
How do I prepare for a session? Having a light meal or snack and drinking a glass of water are 2 great ways to prepare for the session. If there are any specific questions you have about the work or the session, just email Sarah and share what is on your mind. It is helpful to gether a few ideas for what you would like to work on and there are tools for that in the Resources section of the website. There is a free download called "Prep Sheets" at the bottom of the Resources page. This will help gather your thougths. Please bring an open mind and belief that there is more to struggle than the physical symptom. See you soon!
This is massage, right? NOPE
This is massage, right? NOPE! This is a no contact healing modality that can be offered in-person or as a remote session. Sarah is an LMT and certified in Deep Tissue Neck Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and more awesome massage techniques but that is a seperate part of her alternative healing practice
In-person or Zoom... wait What?!
In-person or Zoom... Wait WHAT?! Yeppers! This is energy work and whether you choose to be int he office or connect via remote session the work looks exactly the same. There is no touch. Your complaint will most likely be on a physical symptom but we will explore that to look at the non-physical contributions to the symptom. For example, if you have ongoing financial struggle, of course there might be in issue with spending or earning. Both are physical but there is an energetic component that drives the behavior and creates the response to over spend or to miss income opportunities. Your subconscious mind knows all the details and connecting to the story empowers you to realize it IS just a story and you can change it to serve you better. This work helps with all forms of chronic pain. Body pain, organ dysfunction, relationship struggles, self-sabotaging behaviors, anxiety, depression... there is a vibration, energy pattern, emotional/ hormone response that is based on perception that is the underlying cause of the outcome. Let's change your outcomes ~ book your session of Restorative Healing today
How many sessions will I need?
How many sessions will I need? (caution… long answer alert!) Most every client feels a shift at each session, including those that attend workshops and events and receive the sample sessions. It is an empowering feeling to create a connection, understanding, and process of listening to what the symptom has been expressing. Sarah compares symptoms to a 2 year old child trying to get attention of a parent. After the child gets the urge to express something and wants the attention of the parent the child relies on learned behavior that gets the result the child is looking for. As the child demands attention, it may begin with a verbal request and a gentle tug on the shirt. If ignored or dismissed the behavior can escalate into loud requests, aggressive pulling on shirts or arms, sometimes even evolving into full blown situations on the floor. Even at this level when the parent stops and looks and offer attention to the child behavior can calm very quickly and the vital information that the child wanted to pass on can be shared… sometimes it just a simple thing like “ I wanted to tell you I loved you”. Symptoms might be reminding us our self worth, lack of esteem, vulnerably, need for support… we train our mind, body, and Spirit to get our attention in certain ways. Headaches might be the only thing that slow us down and force us to take care of ourself. Financial struggle might be the subconscious minds way of alerting us that our worthiness is off the charts on the low side. We forget to listen to the symptom and reimagine the symptom as the problem. Symptoms and problems are not the same. Whatever has your attention, is the symptom… even if you have a fancy and official diagnosis of something… the symptom is this the symptom. Underlying energy is what Sarah sees as the problem. This falls in line with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, Feng Shui, and many other energy modalities. No matter what we invest our energy in, it will never be what changes us. We need to allow the effort to change us. The yoga will not heal us… we can allow it change us when we walk away from the mat. The pill will not heal us… we can allow it change our body’s ability to heal itself. Restorative Healing will shift energy but our energy is established and sometimes challenged by the environment it lives in. As we work to shift the energy patterns that help create the struggles that bring you in for a session, it is important to be engaging in all the areas of life that contribute to the issue. Restorative Healing cannot change the crappy roommate, or the boss that disrespects you, or anything/anyone else that is in your daily life. It can change what you accept to interact with. It can add motivation to believe that we can love our job, have support in our lives, be in a financial flow of success, live without pain… When our beliefs change and we adjust the vibration that was keeping us stuck. New opportunities will arrive, you are more likely to notice them, and have internal permission to reach and receive them. How long do you need to keep coming in? Most clients work weekly with Sarah for a few weeks. If there is a major issue of concern sometimes sessions will be as frequent as 3 times a week. What happens after the session and in-between session is the most important part of the shift. Clients tend to find a pace that works best for them after the initial focus of session. After that few weeks, Sarah often sees the clients for check in sessions about once every 6 to 8 weeks and sometimes just a few times a year. Workshops and events are wonderful ways to sample the work, supplement sessions and other alternative healing work, as well as check-in tune-ups.
Below are 2 options for bundling sessions for those who are serious about shifting their energy! Please reach out to Sarah before purchase so you can make sure you are a good fit for working together and ready for the commitment

Session Bundles

Remove Your Heart Wall
3 Sessions | Restorative Healing
one-on-one 45 minute sessions

3 sessions | One-on-One Work
Personalized Sessions | Convenient Scheduling
If you said yes to any of these questions (or all of them) you likely have a Heat Wall and this package focuses on removing it! Your Heart Wall is part of your subconscious mind and it exists because of past trauma. It is meant to protect your precious heart (and your love) from further harm. This Heart Wall concept is also a mental block that prevents you from establishing loving relationships, makes self-love very difficult, and can keep you from expressing love the way you intend. Imagine trying to communicate through a brick wall to tell someone you love them or simply that you don't feel loved. The message will most likely not get through and if it does, it will be distorted and difficult to understand. The Heart Walls are always built from specific materials and have a size and shape unique to each of us. For everyone though, once the Wall is gone ~ it is gone! This work is life-changing and fortunately, it does not take a lifetime to remove. Usually, these can be removed in 2 or 3 sessions. If we need more time to work with your Heart Wall after 3 sessions, we will keep working until it is gone. If we remove the Wall in 1 or 2 sessions, you have the remaining time to work on whatever you would like! The Heart-Wall Package is meant to be used for regularly scheduled appointments so these sessions expire 30 days after purchase.
Are you struggling to establish or keep a loving relationship? Do you continually feel lonely, sad, or isolated even when you are with others? Do you feel threatened by attention or affection? Have you had an emotionally painful experience in the past? Maybe you even have a feeling of heaviness in your chest or upper body?
Heart Wall Package with in-person or Zoom/phone sessions,
Heart Wall sessions are available to purchase one time per client.

10 Session Restorative Healing Bundle
10 sessions | Client-centered Session
one-on-one 45-60 minute sessions
10 sessions | One-on-One Work |
personalized sessions | convenient scheduling
If you are serious about releasing trapped emotions and resetting your systems energetically, this bundle is for you! Support your wellness journey with regular sessions and keep your success and healing progressing. Release chronic pain, calm anxiety, find more restful sleep, improve your financial flow, find and grow self-love, self-worth & self-honor, establish mental focus, and empower your healing. This bundle allows you to choose long-term goals to guide the work and/ or short-term goals that can change for each session.
These sessions can be booked for in-person sessions at the Owego, NY office or Zoom/phone calls.
Sessions expire after 12 months.
This 10-session bundle for Restorative Healing in person or Zoom/phone sessions is $1000.
Sessions expire 12 months after the purchase date.
Have questions about Restorative Healing:
Let me know any questions you might have about Restorative Healing or how this beautiful work can help with your ailments: